Thursday, April 21, 2005

The World Needs A Hero

This is Christopher Meloni's "You can tell me what REALLY happened, or I can kick your ass right now" look. (Ohhh...I've been bad, Detective Stabler. Cuff me. PLEASE.)

I am in LOVE with Law and Order SVU! Right now, it's the only thing that will glue my ass to the couch in front of the telly for more than five seconds... due mostly to the talent and hotness of Chris Meloni. So masculine and heroic! I'm telling you, I wouldn't mind being stuck in an interrogation room with THAT man!
Lest you think all my SVU sweating is carnal, let me please say the acting by Chris and Mariska Hargitay is absolutely stunning. The way they have fleshed-out characters who are flawed, deep, haunted, hard-working and believable is jaw-dropping. Mariska even won a Golden Globe this year, if you don't believe me. Plus, it's great to see such engaging back stories, for once!
check out
for info on SVU and the rest of the L&Os (Dick Wolf is the MAN).
Get more on Chris at
By the way, watch OZ on DVD if you can. Great stories, great acting and in some sweet scenes CHRIS IS NAKED (you'll get what they mean by "Meloni's baloney"...*AHEM*). And the gay sex is HOT. WAY hot.


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