Thursday, April 21, 2005

Carry That Weight

At that weight, she'll NEVER be a model!

It's so disturbing to me that our standards of "skinny" have become even more unattainable and RIDICULOUS as time goes on. When Altoids, cigarettes and an occasional Red Bull are the only things some models/actresses/singers will admit to consuming on a typical day, what the hell are young girls supposed to think? They see these beautiful, skinny women and want to know HOW to look like them. They hang on every word, trying to catch a beauty tip. I know this happens because I used to be one of those impressionable young girls. Hell, I'm just now beginning to be comfortable in my own skin, and I'm almost 30!

I've done a lot of harmful, crazy things to my body to lose weight and I probably damn near killed myself, but the worst part of it all was realizing that I wasn't happy even when I was really skinny. I wish I could impart that knowledge to everyone.

Women have to stop allowing themselves to buy into this bullshit. We have no one to blame but ourselves if we do! It's INCREDIBLY INCORRECT to say MEN have created all the pressure to be thin. Women are more critical of OTHER WOMEN (and themselves) than ANY MAN I have ever heard. We are our own worst enemies.

We all have to be happy with our bodies and not try to look like or be like anyone else.


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