Friday, April 22, 2005

Working For The Weekend

I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing, fun weekend. We've got Kyle's first softball game tomorrow (sort of scrimage-type deal, I guess), Hayli's birthday is Sunday, and Bill and I will be going to Newark tonight to shop for her and for clothes at Steve and Barry's (that place is WONDERFUL!) . Miss Thang is having a My Little Pony birthday, so I'll be looking for some of those toys for her. She does NOT want clothes! What a trip. I CANNOT believe she will be 4.

One thing I have promised myself is that I WON'T blog (is that a verb?!) this weekend. I'm becoming addicted! I've spent a LOT of time on my blog the last three days, just combing my posts for grammatical errors or things I should add (like changing the titles of all my posts to SONG TITLES! How clever. HA HA.). I gotta stop, kids.

I was reading an online article yesterday about celebrity blogs, and the fact that they are all the rage right now. It was mentioned that some people feel blogging's a sign of self-importance, self-indulgence and vanity. It can be those things, certainly, but it can also be an interesting way to read about other people's projects and thoughts... maybe some important thoughts. Sometimes. Whatever, man. If you don't like it, don't read it!

I don't know about anyone else, but for me, at least, my blog is a great way for me to vent, tell it all the way I see it (as I always do!) and give out information. I don't expect anyone to read it but me, but if someone does, I want to make it worthwhile. It might be considered "mental masturbation", but that's healthy in my book. We all need to let it out AND SHARE!


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